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Travel Trade & Media
Igami Shrine

Igami Shrine

A shrine founded in 1520 that enshrines Yoshioki Miura, the last military commander of the Miura clan, who played a central role in the Kamakura Shogunate and ruled Sagami Province in the Miura Peninsula. It is one of the three great Myojin shrines in Odawara and protects the southwest quarter of Odawara Castle. It is believed that Odawara Castle Lord Hojo Ujitsuna was enshrined there as a special deity. For details, please see our official website.

Essential Information

Admission hours

Always available to visit 

Reception for Goshuin stamp: 9:00-17:00



Closed 365 days/year
Admission fees

The first seal fee is 500 yen for the Igami Shrine and Suijin Shrine.


Alight at Hakone Itabashi station on the Hakone Tozan Line.

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