Kiyokawa village (Kiyokawa-mura) is located in northeastern Kanagawa Prefecture and is a peaceful and quiet area. With a relatively small population, Kiyokawa is essentially part of the Tanzawa Mountain Range and includes some stunning scenery (like Lake Miyagase), some great architectural engineering and seasonal offerings.
With mountains and lakes, Kiyokawa is naturally an outdoors enthusiasts' dream come true. There are also a number of bridges of engineering and architectural interest dotted throughout the village of Kiyokawa. Take Mizunosato Suspension Bridge or Nijino Ohashi which is the structure which connects the Miyagase Dam, the Torihara area and the Lakeside area with some incredible views. The view from Toriihara Park is magnificent with this particular bridge being designated as one of the 100 famous bridges in Kanagawa. This is a peculiar spot as it's known as a possibly haunted spot perfect for Halloween!