One of Kanagawa Prefecture's renowned beach resorts, Oiso faces Sagami Bay and is popular with sunbathers, festival-goers and surfers especially during the summer months. With hotels and a range of accommodation available, Oiso has become popular with Tokyoites looking for a mini-break from the city. Its location on the sea and laidback, quaint atmosphere makes it ideal for visitors looking for some beach action or a general break.
Oiso, however, isn't just a beach town. It also has a variety of parks, gardens and a legendary market which hosts nearly 200 crafts and food stalls near the port area. It has proven a big hit with the local community and visitors since its inception in 2010.
Oiso is also home to mountains and the Oiso Hiking Course, which extends across a small chain of mountains which include Mount Koma, Mount Asama and Mount Happyou, has proven popular with the region's outdoor enthusiasts.