Aikawa, situated in northern Kanagawa Prefecture, is a beautiful and peaceful city blessed with bountiful nature including the Nakatsu River and Tanzawa Mountain range. Aikawa also plays host to parks, incredible dams and farms which reflect the relationship between the city and its local environment.
Surrounded by striking and verdant mountains, Aikawa Park is a great place for day trips from Tokyo. You can take a picnic and enjoy wandering through the beautifully landscaped gardens. If you have children with you they will enjoy the paddling pool area in summer, and the giant trampoline domes at any time of year. You can walk or ride the family-friendly Road Train Ai to Miyagase Dam and take the elevator to the top for incredible views of the surrounding scenery. If you like farms, it's a good idea to visit nearby Hattori Farm too. Aikawa, then, is a peaceful and tranquil sanctuary for those with a taste for nature and all that it has to offer.