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Echoes of History in Yokohama Harbor

A course that provides knowledge about the history of Kawasaki and Yokohama. All locations can be visited quite easily from the nearest station on foot.



Tokaido Kawasaki-shuku Koryukan

Kawasaki 30m

Kawasaki Shuku flourished as one of the 53 Stages of the Tokaido during the Edo period. As a base facility for urban development, utilizing its history and culture,...

Yokohama Archives of History

Yokohama 30m

Displays materials on Yokohama history from the end of the Edo period/Opening up of the port period to the beginning of the Showa period. The building was formerly...

NYK Maritime Museum of History

Yokohama 30m

This museum presents the history of how ships transferring people, goods, and culture have opened up the sea route from Japan to overseas since the Meiji period....


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