Terugasaki Coast
Terugasaki Coast is designated as a natural monument of Kanagawa Prefecture as the "Aobato (white-bellied green pigeon) Group Flyover Site in Oiso Terugasaki”. When the Oiso Hills are covered in green, they can also be observed at Mount Koraizan and Shonandaira. Early in the morning around May to November, you can view the aobato that fly in from the mountains and forests to drink seawater. Drinking seawater is said to provide salt and minerals. It is worth seeing the aobato risking their lives to come and drink seawater while avoiding the waves crashing onto the reefs.
Terugasaki Coast in the morning
From May to November, admire the green pigeons that fly in from the mountains and forests to drink seawater during the early morning. It is said that they drink seawater to replenish salt and minerals. Avoiding the waves breaking on the reefs, the green pigeons risk their lives to come here. It is well worth watching.