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Firefly Filled Summer Nights in Hadano

Tanzawa-Oyama Area Half day 5

In Hadano City, which has also been chosen as having one of the hundred famous waters of Japan, the subtle and graceful light of fireflies mysteriously illuminates early summer nights. While the period in which they are visible is limited by time and weather, tour around spots where you can appreciate fireflies, and enjoy their mysterious light.



Jotokuin Botanical Garden

Hadano 15m

From early June to early July, you can witness natural Luciola cruciata and Luciola lateralis fireflies. Travel through the grove of cedar trees to reach the iris...

Nature Observation Facility Kuzuha House

Hadano 15m

The Kuzuha Green Space, which consists of the Kuzuha River, which runs almost in the centre of the Hadano Basin, and a canyon surrounded by abundant greenery, was...

Imaizumihotaru Park

Hadano 15m

Located in a residential area near Hadano Station, this park is surrounded by greenery with the murmuring of Mukohara Spring. Volunteers beautify and clean the...


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