Hakone Lake Ashinoko Pleasure Boat

- izuhakone.j-server.com
- 0460-83-6351
- Hakone Freepass , FUJI HAKONE PASS +1
The Lake Ashi Leisure Cruise opened as the first catamaran cruise ship in Japan in 1920, and currently operates a liner service between the 4 ports of Hakone Sekisho-ato, Moto-Hakone, Hakone-en, and the terminal Kojiri. A circular route starting from one of the 4 ports and coming back to the same port through the other 3 ports is also available. As a catamaran features two parallel hulls of equal size, the spacious ship enjoys great stability and offers a 360-degree view from the viewing deck. Passengers can also look into the cockpit through a window in the cabin on the first floor to experience the feeling of being the ship’s captain.
Another company also offers Hakone sightseeing cruises on Ashinoko Lake, on a model pirate ship, and discount sightseeing combination tickets for the ropeway and sightseeing cruise are available for both leisure cruise services. Please see the official websites for both companies to learn more about special offers and details for your trip to Hakone!
Travel tip
Most worth visiting on clear days, when you have gorgeous close-up views of Mt. Fuji. Included in the Hakone Free Pass ticket.
Essential Information
Check the official website for the latest information.
Hours |
Refer to homepage for information. |
Duration |
1h |
Closed | Open throughout the year (can be closed for maintenance or foul weather) |
Costs |
Adults: Kanjo/Moto-Hakone/Koji-Kojiri to Hakone-en 780 yen, Kanjo/Moto-Hakone-Kojiri 1,020 yen, Hakone-en 40 min. excursion 1,450 yen, etc. / Children: Kanjo/Moto-Hakone/Koji to Hakone-en 390 yen, Kanjo/Moto-Hakone to Kojiri 510 yen, Hakone-en 40 min. excursion 730 yen, etc. |
Access | Hakone-Yumoto Station |
Facilities |
Meetings |