Please pay attention to the spread of Coronavirus

From December 2019, Wuhan, China has seen the outbreak of a new strain of Coronavirus. Some people in Japan have also been infected with this virus.
For your health and safety during your travels, please wash your hands and gargle frequently. Should you have symptoms such as coughing or fever, we kindly ask for your cooperation by wearing a mask and seeking medical consultation after contacting a medical institution in advance.
For the latest information regarding the Coronavirus and Japan, please follow the Japan Safe Travel (JST) Twitter page
Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) operates a visitor hotline 24-hours a day, 365-days a year. If you require emergency support or advice (including novel coronavirus), please contact one of the following numbers.
- If you are calling from Japan please call: 050-3816-2787
- If you are calling from overseas please call: +81-50-3816-2787
* Disaster Prevention & Emergencies Page (Website of Kanagawa Prefecture)
* Medical institution list and access information