Kanagawa offers a wide range of unique and one-of-a-kind events that are sure to make any trip here extra special at any time of the year. From traditional summertime festivals to seasonal blooms or winter illuminations, find out what’s happening with our Kanagawa event calendar.
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Major events
Yokohama Funkelnde Dämmerung (Meeresküsten Feuerwerk)
Iizumi Kannon Daruma Messe, Iizumizan Shōfuku-ji Tempel
Das Hibuse (Brandschutz) Festival in Ryogakuin, Berg Akihasan
Yomiuriland Jewellumination
Sagamihara Bürger Sakura Festival
Tsunashima Kirschblüten Festival (Kirschblüten)
Endo Bambus Holzkohlen Festival
Nichiren-Buddhismus Ikegami Honmonji Tempel Mitama Festival & Bon Odori
Der große Drachen von Zama
Odawara Hojo Godai Festival
Hakone Daimyo Prozession